Apache stops automatically – Mutex Error

Apache error log file
apache2 error.log

Sometimes apache server stops automatically without any interaction. When we look for the errors in /var/log/apache2/error.log, it shows the following lines.

[mpm_prefork:emerg] [pid 1879] (43)Identifier removed: AH00144: couldn’t grab the accept mutex
[core:alert] [pid 1878] AH00050: Child 1879 returned a Fatal error… Apache is exiting!
[:emerg] [pid 1878] AH02818: MPM run failed, exiting

The above problem appeared on Freshly installed Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with Apache, MySQL & PHP.

The following solution worked for me.

Edit the apache configuration file

sudo nano /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

Add the following linke

Mutex posixsem
Apache2 configuration file

Restart apache

sudo service apache2 restart

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